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Hair, Skin & Nails
Individually each of the herbs in
this formula have a variety of properties and
actions, and in combination they supply a range
nutrients that can provide support to the hair, skin
and nails. Dulse is a seaweed that is
typically a good source calcium and iodine.
Horsetail is best known for its diuretic
properties. It is also noted for its trace mineral
profile, and particularly for its silica content.
Sage is an anti-oxidant that also displays
astringent properties. Rosemary is typically
used in cooking as it assists the production of
digestive juices. It has also been found to have
anti-oxidant properties.
Therapeutic Use
A vegetable source of minerals rich in
silica, to assist in maintaining healthy hair, skin and
Active Ingredients
Each ‘preservative free’ capsules
contains powder of: Rhodymenia palmata (Dulse) plant
164mg, Equisetum arvense (Horsetail) herb 123mg, Salvia
officinalis (Sage) leaves 82mg, Rosmarinus officinalis
(Rosemary) leaves 41mg.
Pack Information
100 Capsules 410mg
For adults: take three capsules with a
meal twice daily.
Always read the label. If symptoms
persist consult your healthcare practitioner.

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Hawthorn Berries (Crataegus laevigata)
A common name used for the Hawthorn
plant is ‘Mayflower’, which comes from the fact that
it blooms in May. Greek bridesmaids made bouquets
with its flowers, and the Romans placed the leaves
in baby cribs to ward off evil. Its popularity
declined around the time of Christ when it was
believed that the ‘crown of thorns’ was made of
hawthorn twigs and it was associated with death. It
was not until the medieval times that the medicinal
values of this herb were recognised. Hawthorn has
been used for centuries in Europe as a herb that
shows its action on the cardiovascular system. It is
seen as a cardio-tonic, assisting to maintain
cardiovascular health.
Therapeutic Use
Traditionally used in Europe to help
maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, it is
recommended this product be taken over a period of at
least two months for its full nutritional benefit to be
Active Ingredients
Each ‘preservative free’ capsule contains
450mg of Crataegus laevigata fruit powder.
Pack Information
100 Capsules 450mg
For adults: take two capsules with a meal
twice daily.
Always read the label. If symptoms
persist consult your healthcare practitioner.

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Today’s Online Price
Herbal Blood Tonic
This combination combines herbs
with alterative properties that can help to
relieve dry flaky conditions of the skin.
Burdock is a general
alterative remedy while also displaying
diuretic properties. It can be of use in
conditions that affect the skin,
particularly those leaving the skin dry and
Pau D’Arco is a herb that
comes to us from Brazil , and has
traditionally been used as a depurative to
cleanse the blood.
Red Clover is a
dermatological agent and alterative that can
be used to assist dry, flaky skin
Yellow Dock is an alterative
that also shows laxative properties. It can
be taken for skin conditions, and
particularly those associated with
Sarsaparilla is an alterative
with diuretic properties. It has
traditionally been used for conditions of
the skin.
Dandelion is a diuretic and
laxative that is also a gentle tonic for the
Cascara Sagrada is a herb
that has been shown to have mild purgative
properties that can be of assistance to
relieve constipation and so helping to
reduce potential toxic build-up.
Buckthorn is a gentle
purgative that has been used traditionally
to provide relief from constipation.
Yarrow has been found to be
tonic and astringent along with diuretic.
Oregon Grape Root is an
alterative that can be used to help relieve
dry flaky skin conditions.
Therapeutic Use
A herbal blood tonic to help maintain
healthy, normal blood and biochemical balance. This
herbal formula benefits the detoxifying functions of the
body, helping to purge impurities from the body and
improve digestion and eliminative functions and helps
maintain healthy skin.
Active Ingredients
Each ‘preservative free’ capsule contains
powder of: Arctium lappa (Burdock) root 100mg, Tabebuia
heptophylla (Pau D’Arco) inner stem bark 50mg, Trifolium
pratense (Red Clover) flower 50mg, Rumex crispus (Yellow
Dock) root 45mg, Smilax officinalis (Sarsaparilla) root
45mg, Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion) root 45mg,
Rhamnus purshianus (Cascara Sagrada) bark 30mg, Rhamnus
frangula (Buckthorn) bark 30mg, Achillea millefolium
(Yarrow) flower 25mg, Berberis aquifolium (Oregon Grape)
root & rhizome 13mg, Zanthoxylum clava-herculis (Prickly
Ash) bark 12mg.
Pack Information
100 Capsules 445mg
For adults: take two capsules with a meal
twice daily. Use in children under 12 years is not
Always read the label. If symptoms
persist consult your healthcare practitioner. Use in
children under 12 years is not recommended. This product
may have a laxative effect as it contains Cascara and
Buckthorn. Prolonged use may cause serious bowel
problems. Do not use when diarrhoea, abdominal pain,
nausea, or vomiting are present, or if you develop
diarrhoea. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, seek
health practitioner advice before taking this product.

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Today’s Online Price
Herbal Diuretic
This combination of herbs assists to
tone the kidneys and bladder and provides diuretic
and urinary antiseptic properties.
Juniper berries have a long
history of use to nutritionally support the
normal processes of the urinary system.
Parsley is one of the most widely
used food garnishes in the world. It has a rich
complement of volatile oils that support gastric
activity, and has a specific affinity for
assisting the natural processes of the urinary
Dandelion is a tonic that assists
the eliminatory organs. It helps to cleanse the
kidneys, liver and gall bladder. It can assist
bile secretion that can aid digestion, as well
as being useful to relieve dyspepsia.
Uva Ursi was used in early
American history as a food by the native
Americans and English settlers. Today it is used
as a nutritional support to the actions of the
Chamomile has been shown to
display a few properties, including
anti-spasmodic, and anti-inflammatory. The
Complete German Commission E also lists it as
being an anti-bacterial agent.
Therapeutic Use
The herbs in this formula have
traditionally been used in Western Herbal Medicine as
diuretics and may assist to relieve mild fluid
Active Ingredients
Each ‘preservative free’ capsule contains
powder of: Juniperis communis (Juniper) berries 104mg,
Petroselinum crispum (Parsley) leaves 98mg,
Arctostaphylus uva ursi (Uva Ursi) leaves 82mg,
Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion) root 76mg, Matricaria
recutita (German Chamomile) flowers 55mg.
Pack Information
100 Capsules 415mg
For adults: take two capsules with a meal
twice daily. For children age 6-12 years: take one
capsule with a meal twice daily.
Always read the label. If symptoms
persist consult your healthcare practitioner.

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Today’s Online Price
Horsetail (Equisetum arvense)
The name ‘Equisetum’ is derived from
the Latin word ‘equus’ meaning horse, and ‘seta’
meaning bristle and coming from the peculiar bristly
appearance of the jointed stems of the plants. This
has also contributed to the name of ‘Horsetail’.
The main actions of Horsetail have been identified
as diuretic and astringent. In contemporary
herbalism it is often used for conditions related to
the urinary tract.
Therapeutic Use
This herb has diuretic and astringent
properties and has traditionally been used in Europe for
its ability to tone the organs of the urinary tract and
soothe the bladder.
Active Ingredients
Each ‘preservative free’ capsule contains
360mg of Equisetum arvense herb powder.
Pack Information
100 Capsules 360mg
For adults: take three to four capsules
with a meal three times daily. For children aged 6-12
years: take one capsule with a meal twice daily.
Always read the label. If symptoms
persist consult your healthcare practitioner.

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Today’s Online Price
Hydrated Bentonite
Hydrated Bentonite is a natural clay
that comes from volcanic ash that contains a variety
of smectite minerals and montmorillonite clay.
Therapeutically, when taken internally, it supports
the intestinal system in the elimination of toxins
due to its ability to ‘adsorb’ toxins and other
molecules from watery environments. Also, Bentonite
can absorb toxins on the surface of the skin and can
also be useful for acne when applied as a mask to
the face and neck at night.
Pack Information
Nature’s Sunshine’s Hydrated Bentonite is
made by suspending microfine USP-grade bentonite in
purified water. For Adults take 15mL by metric measure
twice daily, or mix with water as desired as an
intestinal absorbant and as an aid for detoxification
via the alimentary canal. Each 15mL dose contains 730mg
of Microfine Bentonite.
Shake well before use. Refrigerate after

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Today’s Online Price
This formula contains herbs that
support the adrenal glands and the liver. The
adrenal glands produce glucocorticoid hormones,
which assist the body adapt to intermittent food
intake by helping blood sugar levels remain fairly
constant. One of the metabolic functions of the
liver is to assist in the metabolism of
Liquorice has been shown to have
a number of properties, including
anti-spasmodic, expectorant and demulcent. It
has also been found to have an action on the
adrenal glands, so helping to maintain blood
sugar levels.
Eleuthero is an adaptogen,
meaning that it can help the body adapt during
times of stress and exertion. It provides
support to the whole body, and particularly the
adrenal glands.
Dandelion is considered a bitter
herb, and also a gentle tonic to the liver, it
can assist the liver in its function.
Therapeutic Use
Liquorice and Eleuthero have
traditionally been used to support the adrenal glands
and Dandelion supports the liver. When used in
conjunction with a suitable diet plan, these herbs may
help to reduce sugar cravings.
Active Ingredients
Each ‘preservative free’ capsule contains
powder of: Liquorice Powder 285mg, Taraxacum officinale
(Dandelion) root 95mg, Eleutherococcus senticosus (Eleuthero)
root 95mg.
Pack Information
100 Capsules 475mg
For adults: take three capsules with a
meal three times daily.
Always read the label. If symptoms
persist consult your healthcare practitioner.

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Today’s Online Price
Immune Support
The immune system is an important
component of the body’s defence against disease and
illness that protects the body and helps to fight,
kill, destroy and eliminate foreign invaders and
infection. This formula can be of assistance in
times of both chronic and acute illness and could
also be considered at lower doses to support the
immune system, particularly during the cold and flu
Andrographis is a herb that has
been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to
support the immune system and liver, as well as
having anti-inflammatory properties and can
support the immune system during periods of
chronic fatigue.
Echinacea can assist the immune
system and can help to provide support during
periods of cold and flu.
Olive Leaf has been found to have
a range of properties, including
immune-supporting properties. Initial studies
have shown that this herb contains oleuropein,
which has been found to assist the immune system
in fighting illness.
Therapeutic Use
Herbs traditionally used to support the
immune system.
Active Ingredients
Each tablet contains extract equivalent
dry: Andrographis paniculata (Andrographis) herb 1.5g,
Olea europaea (Olive) leaf 700mg, Echinacea purpurea
(Echinacea) root 500mg.
Pack Information
60 Tablets
For adults: take one to two tablets twice
daily, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Always read the label. If symptoms
persist consult your healthcare practitioner.

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Today’s Online Price
Joint Comfort
Arthritis is a condition that can
affect people of any age, although it is more common
in people over 55 years of age, with the most common
forms being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Nature’s Sunshine’s Joint Comfort provides herbs and
nutrients that have an anti-inflammatory effect,
helping to relieve pain in the joints.
Curcumin is derived from the herb
Turmeric, which in India is used to aid
digestion and support the liver. More recently
the anti-inflammatory properties of this herb
have been identified and it has also been found
to be effective when combined with other herbs,
to assist in relieving the inflammation that
contributes to joint pain.
Devil’s Claw has been found to
have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties,
and is often used for its ability to relieve
joint pain.
Boswellia has a long history of
use in Ayurvedic medicine, and is often used for
its anti-inflammatory properties to relieve
inflammation of the joints.
Celery Seed has been found to
have a number of different properties, including
diuretic and urinary antiseptic. It has
traditionally been used to relieve joint pain.
Bromelain and Hesperidin have
both been shown to have anti-inflammatory
properties. Bromelain is a protein-digesting
enzyme derived from pineapple, while Hesperidin
is one of a family of compounds called
flavonoids. Flavonoids are water-soluble,
brightly coloured substances that appear in
fruit and vegetables, and generally accompany
vitamin C.
Therapeutic Use
Comprises of herbs that have
traditionally been used for their anti-inflammatory
properties, along with bromelain and hesperidin that
assists in the relief of joint pain.
Active Ingredients
Each tablet contains extract equivalent
dry: Harpagophytum procumbens (Devil’s Claw) root 1.5g,
Boswellia serrata (Boswellia) gum 1g, Apium graveolens
(Celery) seed 500mg, Bromelain 100mg, Hesperidin 50mg,
Curcumin 38mg.
Pack Information
60 Tablets
For adults: take one tablet twice daily,
or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Always read the label. If symptoms
persist consult your healthcare practitioner.

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Today’s Online Price
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