Controlling Candida Albicans to Restore Balance and
By Liz Barrington, Natural Body Healing
Candida albicans overgrowth or ‘thrush’ as it’s often more
commonly known can affect everyone – from babies to the elderly,
and is amongst the most difficult of human ailments to treat.
In the developed world, this condition is much more prevalent
nowadays than it was 100 years ago, primarily because of our
imbalanced diets, lifestyles and over-use of antibiotics, and
this situation seems to be worsening. Most people aren't
even aware that they have a candida problem - until they
look at the list of associated symptoms below.
Naturally found in the body, the fungus Candida albicans
develops soon after birth in the intestinal tract of healthy
babies in its yeast-like ‘friendly’ form and is normally kept
under control by good bacteria that thrives in the bowel, such
as the multiple strains of acidophilus. In a healthily
balanced body Candida is not able to proliferate.
However, when Candida organisms do get out of control, they
convert to a more threatening form with root-like growths that
penetrate into the intestinal wall. As a by-product of their
existence, they excrete much waste and as a result they increase
the levels of toxicity in the body. This often leads to toxins
being absorbed from the bowel into the bloodstream resulting in
food intolerances and allergies especially to dairy, yeast,
grains and sugary foods. This condition of Candida overgrowth
is known as ‘candidiasis’.
Once in the bloodstream, Candida can break down the immune
system and also overload the liver and kidneys. White blood
cells therefore become over-burdened in their struggle to
control the invasion, further weakening the immune system.
Normally the body will be able to deal with minor yeast
infections; however yeast is extremely difficult to destroy, so
when the yeast reaches the overwhelming stage whereby the immune
system becomes severely undermined, it becomes almost impossible
for the body to fight off overpowering infections as athlete's
foot, vaginal yeast infections and nail fungal infections.
Candida is a common contributor to many diseases and conditions,
such as AIDS, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, colds, flu, and
more – in fact almost all health problems are greatly aggravated
by Candida. Diabetics are therefore especially prone to this
type of problem. In addition, children with autism, ADHD and
other developmental disorders are often found to be infected
with Candida as well.
What are the symptoms of a yeast overgrowth?
The common symptoms of yeast infection or Candida albicans
overgrowth might include any of the following:
Recurrent or persistent thrush
Fungal infections of the skin and nails
Chronic fatigue
Constant tiredness
Poor immunity
Food sensitivity/intolerances/allergies
Loss of energy
Decreased libido
Intestinal gas and/or abdominal bloating
Menstrual problems
Poor digestion and other digestion-related problems
Itching in the groin/anus/vagina/scrotum and/or discharge
Sugar cravings
Mood swings
Frequent infections of the upper respiratory tract that
result in coughs, colds and sinusitis
General irritability
Difficulty in losing weight
So how does Candida get out of control?
There are many reasons why the amount of healthy bacteria in the
bowel can be dramatically reduced resulting in an overgrowth of
Candida albicans. Much of it is down to our diet and lifestyle
which affects the homeostatis – the natural balance within our
bodies and subsequently, our levels of good healthy bowel
flora. Without the friendly bacteria available within the body,
Candida spreads rapidly.
To be more specific, Candida overgrowth often comes about
because of the use of antibiotics, steroid drugs,
chemotherapeutic drugs, prolonged illness, stress, excessive or
regular alcohol consumption, poor nutrition including heavy
consumption of sugar, alcohol and fruit/fruit-juices, imbalanced
bodily pH levels, chemical preservatives in food, lack of rest
and sleep, and even birth control pills and other
hormone-altering substances.
Antibiotics kill off the friendly acidophilus that destroy the
healthy bacteria that actually controls the Candida population.
Antibiotics also destroy aerobic bacteria; however they have
little effect on yeast. The intestines with all its fermenting
waste are the perfect breeding ground for a Candida problem.
Most yeast infections occur in people whose immune systems are
compromised and/or whose intestinal flora is out of balance. To
keep yeast infections at bay, it’s important to build a strong
immune system and keep your intestinal flora balanced through a
good diet and healthy lifestyle.
How can you diagnose Candida and how can
you control it?
Laboratory tests can often be unreliable, so it’s best to
consult a natural healthcare professional who can take a blood
sample from your fingertip and analyse it.
Alternatively, you can always try following a yeast-free diet
avoiding certain foods for a week (refer below to the list of
foods to avoid) and to see whether your symptoms improve.
Candida can sometimes be controlled by temporarily increasing
the body’s acidity in the area in which the yeast is growing.
This can be done by applying apple cider vinegar mixed with
water as a ‘douche’ and applying this to the problem area.
Conventional medical treatments for Candida albicans involve the
use of powerful drugs that produce strong side effects; however,
it’s well worth noting that these treatments are often not
that effective and create much parasitism and imbalance
within the body.
One of the more effective antibiotics commonly used to treat
this condition is ‘Nystatin’; however, Nystatin is only
marginally effective on yeast. It’s important that you do
carefully consider whether antibiotics are the best route for
you as the original problem may have in fact started simply due
to the use of antibiotics.
More natural approaches to treating Candida have proven to be
highly effective and they have no harmful side effects unlike
conventional treatment. In fact, they bring about other health
benefits, including greater immunity to infectious diseases,
improved digestion, and higher energy levels. A common
treatment for a general Candida infection is a diet completely
free of all sugars, including fruit and starches, however, this
can be highly restrictive.
Highly-Effective Supplements That Fight
We’ve found that the best way to control yeast infections of all
kinds are
2) Probiotics
(preferably in the form of potent supplements especially for
well-entrenched Candida, or naturally ‘active’ yogurt for milder
cases), and
3) Other intestinal cleansing
Yeast is a parasite which also creates its own toxins in the
form of waste by-products. Therefore, disposing of these toxins
in quick succession can be a real problem, because if the
intestinal infestation is killed off much too suddenly, it’s
possible for the intestines to become blocked. Also, the body
tends to dispose of toxins from the blood through the skin,
which can cause an itchy rash or body odour when the process
becomes too fast. Toxins from dead spores can also put
considerable strain on the liver and kidneys.
1) Colloidal Silver
To avoid toxins quickly flooding the bloodstream and liver, it’s
best to build up the use of colloidal silver gradually, and then
use it until your symptoms are relieved. Colloidal Silver has
been used for many centuries to treat infections and is said to
be highly effective against up to 650 types of bacteria and
other harmful micro-organisms. Colloidal silver are very fine
particles of pure silver suspended in water that have
antimicrobial properties. You do however need to be careful
with colloidal silver, and you should only choose a very
high quality silver otherwise it could lead to heavy metal
build-up in the body, resulting in blue fingernails or even blue
skin which is permanent. Furthermore, poor quality silvers can
also kill the probiotics in the intestinal tract. It’s for this
reason that we recommend Nature’s Sunshine's Colloidal Silver
product called
Silver Shield which
is totally safe and effective in weakening these parasitic
organisms and strengthening the immune system.
Research shows that colloidal silver only attacks the
‘unfriendly’ pathogens (anaerobic in nature) and will not harm
the friendly bacteria (aerobic in nature). Furthermore,
colloidal silver does not attack bacteria directly, but rather
destroys certain enzymes the anaerobic bacteria, viruses, yeast,
and moulds require in order to survive, so there is little
chance of them developing resistance to colloidal silver. The
colloidal silver acts as a catalyst and is not consumed in the
Colloidal silver is highly effective on yeast because: 1) it
kills off anaerobic bacteria and virus wherever it comes in
contact with them and so it completely supports the immune
system against most types of disease and infections at the same
time. 2) Colloidal silver is highly effective in destroying the
Candida organisms themselves. 3) Colloidal silver rapidly
accelerates the healing of injured and damaged tissues which
have often been attacked and consumed by the Candida organisms.
The effects of colloidal silver during pregnancy are unknown, so
we currently do NOT recommend that you take colloidal silver
during pregnancy. Also, colloidal silver should only be taken
for 2-3 months at a time, to also give the body’s immune system
an opportunity to strengthen itself naturally, rather than just
relying on the colloidal silver to destroy unwanted organisms.
2) Probiotics
Otherwise known as ‘friendly’ bacteria or ‘beneficial’ bacteria,
probiotics are amongst the most effective natural treatments for
Candida. We recommend that you take as much acidophilus as you
can afford.
The colon or large intestine of a healthy adult should have an
estimated 100 trillion beneficial bacteria – in other words,
approximately 100,000,000,000,000 or 100,000 billion bacteria!
There are many different brands of probiotics available which
typically contain between 2 billion and 5 billion which on a
daily basis is actually far too little to create any significant
impact. That is why we recommend that you take Nature’s
Sunshine Milk-Free Priobiotic called
Bifidophilus (2 tablets, twice a day) which
contain a total of 14 billion strains of lactobacillus
acidophilus and bifidobacterium longum along with
fructo-oligsaccharides, which support the growth and potency of
these beneficial organisms. These supplements are also
enterically-coated to ensure effective release in the bowel.
If you take sufficient amounts of friendly, beneficial bacteria,
and withdraw sugar and yeast from your diet, then there won't be
room for Candida yeast and harmful bacteria to thrive. It’s not
harmful to take more than the recommended dose, as probiotics
have no toxic effects. Besides, any extra ‘healthy’ bacteria
that the body does not need will simply be passed out in the
stools, and quite often suffering from slight diarrhoea is a
tell-tale sign as to when the body is consuming too much good
3) Bentonite
Clay or Charcoal
Hydrated Bentonite
(available in Spain only) is a natural clay that comes from volcanic
ash and contains a variety of smectite minerals and
montmorillonite clay. Consuming natural ‘edible clay’ (or
sometimes called ‘living clay’ or even ‘healing clay’) has been
a traditional practice for thousands of years and it is highly
absorptive. Therapeutically, when taken internally, it supports
the intestinal system in the elimination of toxins due to its
ability to ‘adsorb’ toxins and other molecules from watery
environments. Bentonite clay will literally pull the Candida
off the intestinal walls. It readily absorbs toxins, heavy
metals, bacteria, virus and fungi. But because clay itself is
not absorbed by the body – whatever unwanted organisms that it
absorbs is passed out in the stools.
Activated Charcoal
(available across UK and Europe) has been used for over 2,000 years
and is also well known for its absorptive ability, helping to
remove toxins and other irritants in the digestive tract.
Either of these are great supplements for stomach upsets, travel
sickness and food poisoning etc.
4) Psyllium Husk
Psyllium is a seed grown commercially in India, where it is also
known as ‘isabgol’. The husk is very high in fibre and widely
used as a bulk-forming laxative and also as a colon cleanser.
When psyllium absorbs water, it expands greatly and forms a
gel, resulting in the ability to pass large, well-formed stools.
Cleansing the colon is one of the most effective ways to fight a
Candida infection. Like clay,
Psyllium Hulls absorbs toxins,
bacteria, fungi and other harmful substances – and then passes
them out in the stools.
5) Garlic
Garlic has powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties
and some scientific studies have found it to be at least as
effective as Nystatin in destroying Candida albicans.
The key difference between taking drugs such as antibiotics and
anti-fungal medication versus taking garlic is that bacteria and
fungi are not likely to develop a resistance to garlic. This is
because garlic contains many different substances with
anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, including allicin,
alliin, alliinase and S-allylcysteine.
It’s best to take garlic raw in order to get the most of its
ability to destroy bacteria and fungi; however, raw garlic is
extremely pungent and can leave a distinct odour on the breath
which tends to put individuals off from taking it.
However, Nature’s Sunshine provides the finest
Garlic on the market with a special coating that helps control
the garlic’s odour. When broken open, these tablets have a
strong garlic odour unlike ‘odourless’ garlic products which are
ineffective. Because the tablet does not break down for
absorption until it reaches the small intestine, you therefore
receive the full nutritional value of garlic without the
undesirable taste. Moreover, comparing Total Allicin Potential
(TAP) with other leading brands shows that Nature’s Sunshine
leads the market and is valued above all others for its greatest
potency and superb quality.
6) Pau D’Arco
Pau D’Arco has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries by
the native Indians of Brazil. The trees are renowned for their
durable timber and resistance to insect and fungal attack. Pau
D’Arco contains a chemical called lapachol and helps build
blood, supports detoxification and helps maintain a healthy
circulatory system. It has depurative properties and so can
also help to detoxify the blood and support the immune system.
Nature Sunshine's
Pau d’Arco is commonly used for treating Candida albicans
7) Caprylic Acid
Amongst the many natural cures for Candida, caprylic acid is one
of the most commonly used by nutritionists and natural health
practitioners because of its anti-fungal as well as some
anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Caprylic acid is a
medium-chain fatty acid (C8H16O2),
also referred to as ‘octanoic acid’, and is found naturally in
coconut oil, palm oil, and butter fat as well as in human breast
It nutritionally supports the needs of those who want to
rebalance their friendly bacteria and reduce an overabundance of
yeast in the body. One of the difficulties with caprylic/octanoic
acid is that being a medium-chain fatty acid, it’s easily
digested and absorbed by the body. Therefore, with cheaper
brands, it often gets absorbed in the stomach and in the small
intestines before it reaches the large intestines – the place
where it’s most needed. With Nature’s Sunshine
Caprylic Acid
Combination supplement, each capsule is enterically-coated so that the
contents are released in the intestinal tract and not in the
Safflower oil is also high in oleic acid, another medium-chain
fatty acid which, like caprylic acid, is known to have
anti-fungal properties. Similarly, coconut oil is very
effective against Candida and in small quantities coconut oil is
a great daily addition to any healthy diet.
8) Super Green Foods
Green algae such as Chlorella and
Spirulina – sometimes called
'Super Green foods', grow in warm, alkaline fresh waters around
the world, and are very rich in nutrition. These algae are a
source of all 8 essential amino acids, as well as chelated
minerals, natural plant sugars, trace minerals and enzymes, and
they contain potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese,
selenium, iron and phosphorus. They are also rich in
chlorophyll and so they have a strong detoxification capability.
Detoxifying the colon is important in fighting Candida because
the yeast thrives in a toxic environment.
These green foods are easily assimilated by the body and also
have a strong alkalinising effect, which again is crucial
because Candida albicans thrives in an acidic environment.
Other effective herbs in the fight against Candida include
Astragalus, reishi, black walnut, shiitake, nettles, burdock,
Oregon graperoot, goldenseal, milk thistle, aloe vera juice,
Echinacea, yeast-free Vitamin B complex, vitamins A and C.
Other Useful Therapies
Micro-current therapy
Parasite Zapper:
Many of our clients have had great success keeping Candida under
control by undertaking our micro-current ‘Parasite Zapper’
therapy, which uses a small electric current to ‘zap’ the
Candida organism.
The Parasite Zapper emits a specific frequency which over a
course of treatments, helps rid your body of parasites such as
worms, fungi, bacteria and viruses, without the use of harmful
chemicals, or drugs that can have dangerous side-effects.
Parasites not only die when subjected to the small electrical
current, but they also disintegrate, and are therefore easily
eliminated through normal bowel movements.
Important Dietary Considerations:
Foods to AVOID
For the first 3 - 4 weeks of your Candida-elimination diet, you
should avoid the following foods:
Sugar (including fructose, fruit juices, honey, molasses
All sugar-sweetened/sugary foods and snacks, including
cakes, biscuits, confectionery, desserts, fizzy drinks,
fruit cordials, fruit drinks, fruit-juice and ice-cream,
unless they are made with sugar-substitutes like stevia
extract, which is a natural sweetener.
Packaged and processed foods, yeast breads and pastries,
most condiments, pickles, olives in brine, sauerkraut,
relishes, sauces and re-heated leftovers.
Avoid white-starch foods and refined white bread, white
flour or white rice, white pasta, potatoes without their
skins, and all refined flours, noodles etc.
Most fruits, especially very ‘sweet’ fruits such as grapes,
watermelon, dates and mango, plus avoid ALL dried fruit and
fruit smoothies which contain greater levels of natural
fruit sugars.
ALWAYS keep away from foods containing ‘trans-fats’ or
‘hydrogenated fats/oils’.
Yogurt drinks as well as commercial yogurts are NOT
RECOMMENDED. These foods contain very minute amounts
of good flora, yet HUGE amounts of sugar - which you’re
trying to avoid! Furthermore, commercial yogurts are
pasteurised and so the good bacteria have been killed off
during processing in any case! If you can, make your own
fresh yogurt at home.
Fermented foods – vinegar and products containing vinegar,
however salty fermented soy products like miso and shoyu are
acceptable in very small amounts only.
Mushrooms, all fungi, cheese containing moulds, and
All alcohol, including beer, wine, cider and spirits.
Yeast extracts, gravy granules, stuffing and stock cubes.
Salad dressings – use apple juice, or lemon juice and olive
oil instead.
Considerably limit your intake of milk and dairy foods,
especially cheese.
Spicy foods (especially Asian food).
Good Foods to EAT
Plenty of vegetables, nuts, seeds, fish, natural ‘live’
yogurt, onions, garlic, papaya, beans/bean products, sea
vegetables, raw salads, tomatoes, muesli, cottage cheese, chicken, lentils, pulses, avocados
and oils, mild spices, fresh herbs like oregano.
Eat the following foods
in moderation: whole grains, wholegrain flour, oats,
barley, potatoes with their skins on, wholegrain brown or
wild rice, wholegrain pasta, dairy products, meat, eggs,
other animal products and fermented soy products such as
miso and shoyu. Also, eat only 1-2 servings of whole-fruits
per day - these are better when eaten whole and raw because
sugar content is lower and often it’s recommended that you
peel them first, as the skin can contain yeasts.
Water is great for keeping you hydrated. Even better still
- add ‘minty’ Liquid Chlorophyll to your water and drink
this throughout the day to help alkalise the body and
cleanse the blood!
Increase your intake of essential oils, especially omega-3
oils found in fish oils, oily fish, like salmon, mackerel,
tuna-in-oil, sardines-in-oil, and flax-seed, safflower oil
and borage oils used as a salad-dressing or on wholegrain
breads or baked potato; plus olive oil or canola
oil, along with other vegetable oils that are mostly omega-6
oils, which are also good.
Avoiding Food Chemicals, Most Drugs and
Over the last 50 years or so, food manufacturers have been
developing products that can have a detrimental effect on our
human brain power and there is considerable evidence of a clear
relationship between ‘prepared foods’ that contain chemicals,
additives, preservatives etc and human illness.
This is why is
it so important that YOU take responsibility for what you put
into your body and find out more about the food that you are
eating, do some research and check those food labels before you
purchase ‘packaged’, ‘tinned’ and ‘ready-made’ processed
products at the supermarket.
Better still, only buy foods
that are wholesome and as natural as possible in their ‘raw’
original state and prepare your own nutritious food at home.
If you have a Candida albicans infestation, it’s especially
important to avoid antibiotics, because the overuse of
antibiotics is one of the main reasons why the Candida infection
has developed in the first place. You should also look to
avoid synthetic-cortisone/steroid-type prescriptions if at all
possible. Try our natural highly-effective supplement
alternatives instead – they work and they have no side effects!
By the way, if you want to be extra careful about
antibiotics, you should also take a closer look at the quality
of the meat and meat products that you buy and perhaps look to
switch to eating only organically-reared meat which is both
healthier and tastier too. In modern farming practices, farm
animals are regularly given antibiotics and their meat contains
antibiotic residues which can then create imbalance within our
own body once we consume them.
Candida yeast infection is indeed a difficult condition to treat
– and it does require a persistent multi-pronged attack. An
important part of the treatment involves changing our diets to
avoid sugar, refined carbohydrates and other foods that tend to
promote the growth of Candida yeast and also to consume certain
foods and take nutritional supplements that truly strengthen the
body’s immune system.
Like most things concerning our
well-being, the key to being successful will be your ability to
restore balance and harmony back to your body which may require
some considerable long-term changes on your part.
The nutritional supplement product links stated in this article can only be purchased from this website in UK and in Europe; however all other health product links stated on this page are available worldwide from Natural Body Healing.
The above information should not be treated as a substitute for the
medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care